We are reopening soon!


As part of the easing of pandemic restrictions, museums in Hungary, including the Budapest History Museum, are preparing to reopen.

Among our member institutions, the Aquincum Museum and Archaeological Park will be the first to reopen on 8 May. During the weekend, the museum offers free entry for every visitor.  In addition to the exhibitions, there will be family scavenger hunts and exciting guided tours among the ruins on both days. (Programs will be in Hungarian.)

The Castle Museum is expected to reopen at the end of May. After the opening, the extended exhibition Mounted Archers from Budapest's Past will be on display again, as well as the Mainly Medieval exhibition, which could only be viewed in a virtual form until now. We are also opening a new exhibition: Tamás Péli's monumental painting entitled 'Birth' has recently arrived at the museum as part of the OFF Biennale. 

The Kiscell Museum will welcome visitors again from 1 June with the exhibition of Zsolt Asztalos, entitled Memory Models, along with their permanent exhibitions on the modern history of Budapest. 

We ask our visitors to comply with the current pandemic regulations of the government. Entry is only possible by presenting a vaccination card and ID card together.

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