The newest volume in the 'Barangoló' series presents the 300-year-history of the park and forest around the Kiscell Museum.
Vote for the museum education program of the Budapest Gallery!
The museum education program of the Imre Varga Collection has been nominated to the Highlights of Hungary Award.
In remembrance of the siege of Budapest in World War II, the Budapest History Museum offers a series on how the then-colleagues of the museum remember the harsh and tragic winter of 1944-1945.
Although we are still closed due to the pandemic, the Medieval Department's annual archaeology exhibition was not postponed. Until we reopen, a virtual version of the exhibition 'Mainly Medieval 5.0 - From excavation to exhibition' awaits visitors.
The Budapest History Museum is organizing an exhibition in 2021 about an international humanitarian aid campaign during which more than 60,000 children traveled abroad to gain back their strength, both physically and mentally, after the ordeals of war.
According to the extraordinary legal order related to the spread of the coronavirus, the member institutions and exhibition spaces of the Budapest History Museum will be closed indefinitely from 11 November 2020.
The Graphics Collection of the Kiscell Museum - Municipal Gallery will be closed from 1 November 2020 to 30 June 2021 due to revision.
In the first month of autumn we are opening a number of exciting new temporary exhibitions. The two new projects of the Budapest Gallery are organized around the themes of light, movement and illusion, while the Aquincum Museum commemorates the archaeologist Gyula Hajnóczi, who was born 100 years ago.